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Kitties pallet: Uniqueness, custom types and storage maps

This section dives into some pillar concepts for developing pallets with FRAME (Framework for Runtime Aggregation of Modularized Entities):

  • Writing a storage struct.
  • Implementing the randomness trait.
  • How to use existing types and traits.
  • How create your own types like providing your pallet with a Gender type.

Also, at the end of this part, you will have implemented the remaining two storage items according to the logic outlined for the Substrate Kitties application.

Kitty struct

An Struct in Rust is a useful construct to help store data that have things in common. For our purposes, our Kitty will carry multiple properties which we can store in a single struct instead of using separate storage items. This comes in handy when trying to optimize for storage reads and writes so our runtime can perform less read/writes to update multiple values. Read more about storage best practices here.

What information to include?

Let's first go over what information a single Kitty will carry:

  • dna: the hash used to identify the DNA of a Kitty, which corresponds to its unique features. DNA is also used to breed new Kitties. An will be used as key in the storage.
  • price: this is a balance that corresponds to the amount needed to buy a Kitty and set by its owner.
  • gender: an enum that can be either Male or Female.
  • owner: an account ID designating a single owner.
  • generation: to keep track of the number of generations a Kitty has been bred for.

Sketching out the types held by our struct

Looking at the items of our struct from above, we can deduce the following types:

  • [u8; 16] for dna - to use 16 bytes to represent a Kitty's DNA.
  • BalanceOf for price - this is a custom type using FRAME's Currency trait.
  • Gender for gender - we are going to create this!
  • u64 for generation.

So we get the following as our kitty struct.

Copy it to replace the TODO for the kitty struct:

// Struct for holding kitty information
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct Kitty<T: Config> {
// An array of 16 bytes representing the kitty's DNA.
pub dna: [u8; 16],

// The price of the kitty, stored as an optional balance.
// If set to `None`, it assumes the kitty is not for sale.
pub price: Option<BalanceOf<T>>,

// The gender of the kitty.
pub gender: Gender,

// The owner of the kitty, stored as the account ID.
pub owner: T::AccountId,

// Generation of the kitty, stored as a u64.
pub generation: u64,

Notice how we use the derive macro to include various helper traits for using our struct. We have already added TypeInfo in order to give our struct access to this trait.

For type Gender, we will need to build out our own custom enum and helper functions. Now is a good time to do that.

Gender enum

We have just created a struct that requires a custom type called Gender. This type will handle an enum defining our Kitty's gender. To create it, you'll build out the following parts:

  • An enum declaration, which specifies Male and Female values.
  • Implement a helper function for our Kitty struct.
  1. Declare the custom enum

Replace TODO: Enum that represents the gender of a kitty with the following code:

// Represents the gender of a kitty.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Copy, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
// We need this to pass kitty info for genesis configuration
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum Gender {

Notice the use of the derive macro which must precede the enum declaration. This wraps our enum in the data structures it will need to interface with other types in our runtime. In order to use Serialize and Deserialize, you will need to add the serde crate in pallets/kitties/Cargo.toml as follows:

serde = { version = "1.0.136", optional = true }

default = ["std"]
std = [

Great, we now know how to create a custom struct. But what about providing a way for a Kitty struct to be assigned a gender value?

  1. Implement a helper function for our Kitty struct

Configuring an struct is useful in order to pre-define a value in our struct. For example, when setting a value in relation to what another function returns. In our case we have a similar situation where we need to configure our Kitty struct in such a way that sets Gender according to a Kitty's DNA.

We'll create a function called gen_dna that returns a tuple of DNA and gender for a kitty.

Replace TODO: Generates and returns DNA and Gender for a new kitty with the following:

// Generates and returns DNA and Gender for a new kitty.
pub fn gen_dna() -> ([u8; 16], Gender) {
// Create randomness
let random = T::KittyRandomness::random(&b"dna"[..]).0;

// Create randomness payload. Multiple kitties can be generated in the same block,
// retaining uniqueness.
let unique_payload = (

// Turns into a byte array
let encoded_payload = unique_payload.encode();
let hash = blake2_128(&encoded_payload);

// Generate Gender
if hash[0] % 2 == 0 {
// Males are identified by having a even leading byte
(hash, Gender::Male)
} else {
// Females are identified by having a odd leading byte
(hash, Gender::Female)

Make sure to spend some time understanding the logic behind this function. Check the comments for some guidance.

On-chain randomness

If we want to be able to tell these Kitties apart, we need to start giving them unique properties! In the previous step, we've made use of KittyRandomness which we haven't defined yet. Let's get to it.

We'll be using the Randomness trait from frame_support to do it. It will generate a random seed that we'll use to create unique Kitties and breed new ones.

In order to use the Randomness trait for our pallet, we must:

  1. Define a new type bound by Randomness trait in our pallet's configuration trait:

The Randomness trait from frame_support requires specifying it with a paramater to replace the Output and BlockNumber generics. For our purposes, we want the output of functions using this trait to be Blake2 128-bit hash which you'll notice should already be declared at the top of your working codebase.

Replace TODO: The type of Randomness we want to specify for this pallet. with the following:

/// The type of Randomness we want to specify for this pallet.
type KittyRandomness: Randomness<Self::Hash, Self::BlockNumber>;
  1. Specify the actual type in our runtime

Given that we have added a new type in the configuration of our pallet, we need to config our runtime to set its concrete type. This could come in handy if ever we want to change the algorithm that KittyRandomness is using, without needing to modify where it's used inside our pallet.

To showcase this point, we're going to set the KittyRandomness type to an instance of FRAME's InsecureRandomnessCollectiveFlip (It is called insecure because it should be used for only low security situations). Conveniently, the Node Template already has an instance of the InsecureRandomnessCollectiveFlip pallet. All you need to do is set the KittyRandomness type in your runtime, inside ./runtime/src/

/// Configure the pallet-template in pallets/template.
impl pallet_template::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type KittyRandomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip;

Remaining storage items

Understanding storage item logic

To track the kitties we're going to standardize the logic to use an ID as key for the each storage item. This means that a single unique key will point to a Kitty object (i.e. the struct we previously declared).

In order for this to work, we need to make sure that the ID for a new Kitty is unique. We can do this with a new storage item called Kitties, which will be a mapping from an ID to the Kitty object.

With this we can check for collisions by checking whether this storage item already contains a mapping using a particular ID. For example, from inside a dispatchable function we could check using:

ensure!(!<Kitties<T>>::exists(new_id), "This new id already exists");

Our runtime needs to be made aware of:

  • Unique assets, like currency or Kitties (this will be held by a storage map called Kitties)
  • Ownership of those assets (this will be handled a new storage map called KittiesOwned)

Using a StorageMap

To create a storage instance for the Kitty struct, we'll be using a StorageMap — a hash-map provided to us by FRAME.

Here's what the Kitties storage item looks like:

/// Maps the kitty struct to the kitty DNA.
pub(super) type Kitties<T: Config> = StorageMap<
[u8; 16],

Breaking it down, we declare the storage type and assign a StorageMap that takes:

  • The Twox64Concat hashing algorithm.
  • A key of type [u8; 16].
  • A value of type Kitty<T>.

The KittiesOwned storage item is similar except that we'll be using a BoundedVec from frame_support::pallet_prelude to keep track of some maximum number of Kitties we'll configure in ./runtime/src/

Using a bounded vector is useful when you want to enforce resource constraints or prevent unexpected resource consumption. In this case, it ensures that the storage item KittiesOwned can only hold a specific number of Kitties, which can be configured in ./runtime/src/ to match the desired limit.

/// Track the kitties owned by each account.
pub(super) type KittiesOwned<T: Config> = StorageMap<
BoundedVec<[u8; 16], T::MaxKittiesOwned>,

Your turn! Copy the two code snippets above to replace TODO: Storage that maps the kitty struct to the kitty DNA. and TODO: Storage that tracks the kitties owned by each account.

Before we can check if our pallet compiles, we need to add a new type MaxKittyOwned in the config trait, which is a pallet constant type (similar to KittyRandomness in the previous steps). Replace TODO: The maximum amount of kitties a single account can own. with:

/// The maximum amount of kitties a single account can own.
type MaxKittiesOwned: Get<u32>;

Finally, we define MaxKittyOwned type in ./runtime/src/ This is the same pattern as we followed for Currency and KittyRandomness except we'll be adding a fixed u32 using the parameter_types! macro:

parameter_types! { 
// One can own at most 9,999 Kitties
pub const MaxKittyOwned: u32 = 9999;

/// Configure the pallet-template in pallets/template.
impl pallet_template::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type KittyRandomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip;
type MaxKittiesOwned = MaxKittyOwned;

Now is a good time to check that your Kitties blockchain compiles!

cargo build --release
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